MMPRSSF+ Part IV: A New Hope Approaches!

Shit. Is it time for another edition of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Super Special Feature + already!? The last one was only published . . . two years ago? Ffff... Okay, fine. Here it is: part four of the Super Special Feature +, brought to you by the letter ಠ_ರೃ.

My nephew is a huge fan of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. A few months ago his mother, beyond anyone's better judgement, let him read the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Super Special Feature + here on The 34th Dimension. He loved it so much that he came to me and asked if I would let him make the next one.

The MMPRSSF+ Returns!

I'm genuinely sorry that today's Celebration 2010 post is going up so late, but I think it's worth the wait. For today I have brought the return of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Super Special Feature + (currently in three parts). Don't know what I'm talking about? Well, the MMPRSSF+ was The 34th Dimension's very first feature, created back when I still occasionally reviewed movies.

It's honestly some of the best work I've done on this site, which is a huge insult to everything else. Speaking of insults, I don't think the commenters at Retro Junk will ever forgive me for these.

Part I: Character Biographies
Part II: The Journey Continues
Part III: Bulk and Skull: A Tribute to Angel Grove's Bad Boys

There's just one more day until the old domain expires! Check back tomorrow for the final surprise, and be sure to check out the rest of the Countdown 2010 posts as well.

What I've Learned From Games

What's this? An actual article!? You are correct, sir! To continue the 2010 Countdown, here is a brand new article that I've finished. I'll return you to your regularly scheduled disappointment tomorrow. Click here to see the rest of the Countdown.

Video games can teach us many things, like vulgarity and racism. I'm certain that, some day, games will carry so much information that we'll no longer have any need for schools. In fact, you should probably drop out now and get a head start: it'll show future employers that you have initiative! While you're sabotaging your own futures, here are just a few of the things that video games have taught me over the years to help sculpt me into the debonair walrus that I am.

The First Annual Domain Name Expiration Countdown!

The old domain name for The 34th Dimension expires on December 22, so to count it down and celebrate my cheapness I'll be posting something new each day from now until I lose control of the domain. Since I just thought of this plan an hour ago I have absolutely nothing prepared, so expect shitty quality across the board.

I'll have the first item up tonight by 11:59 PM Mountain Standard Time.

“Mighty Morphin Power Rangers” Toys Are Back

Oh my god, I want this!

I wanted the Dino Megazord the moment I saw it in the Sears Wishbook as a child. This was probably back in '95, which means that I've spent the last fifteen years without knowing true happiness. Now that Bandai has brought back many of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers action figures, maybe someone will find it in their heart to fulfill this man-child's wishes. Or I could just buy it myself. Oh, adulthood! With your buying power and credit cards, what dreams can't you fulfill?

Some people have decided to criticize this re-release, and the toys may not be identical to the original series, but they're vastly superior to the Jurassic Park figures Kenner's been shilling. The only better re-release I've seen was for the TMNT 25th Anniversary, which I have yet to take advantage of. I still need to replace the Donatello that I lost in my neighbour's sandbox.