About The Site

The 34th Dimension is a geek culture and satire website, irreverently owned and updated by a 30-something-year-old guy who wasted most of his life in web development.

It started out as a fun little place for me to write about Saturday morning cartoons from the '90s before social media was much of a thing. Then it turned into an excuse for me to redesign and recode the site every six months before I got bored of trying and shut it down circa 2012. That's the real apocalypse the Maya were referring to.

Now that social media is dying because 99% of the people on it are sewage-slurping garbage monsters, I'm trying to bring it back as the fun little place it started as, but with slightly improved graphics.

This site is all about things that are awesome, like video games, movies and Saturday morning cartoons. There is only one opinion here: mine. If you don't like it, it's probably because you ate paint chips as a child. But, hey, I'm not here to judge what qualifies as a tasty and nutritious snack.

In theory, I try to update at least once per week, but it really comes down to whenever I feel like it or have something worth posting. You should still visit and keep hitting refresh, like, every six seconds anyway. I know the Blogger guys won't mind. They love it when you waste their bandwidth.

This site gets literally a gazillion hits per day. Exactly that much. No more and no less. If ever there were a gazillion-and-first visitor he would burst into flame, or maybe his Internet connection would just drop out. I don't know. I'm not some sort of scientist or magician.

The point is that this site is awesome and everybody loves it. So tell your friends about it. If they're reluctant to visit, strap them down and beat them. Nothing says "friendship" like hitting.